Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), is all about the HOW

  • How to stay motivated

  • How to challenge sabotaging thinking

Everyone needs a meal plan – whatever works for you. Success comes when you learn how to stick to your plan even when you don’t want to:

  • Even when you’re stressed or upset

  • Even when people push food in on you

  • Even when you’re eating out at your favorite restaurant

  • Even when you’re traveling or at a special event

Why CBT?

  • Neuroscience research has demonstrated that CBT brings about changes in your brain. When you think a certain way for a long time, your brain becomes more and more efficient at thinking that way.

Using sophisticated MRI equipment research has traced changes in the brain of people who received CBT for:

  • Chronic pain

  • Entrenched addictions

  • Severe phobias

  • Obsessive-compulsive disorders

  • Major depression

Patients were able to harness the power of their minds to change their mood and behavior and overcome serious problems. These principles can be applied to changing your relationship with food.