Building Trust

Let’s consider the harmony that's achieved when our thoughts, actions, and words are aligned. This congruence is the foundation of self-trust. Think about it, when every part of us is in synchrony, we begin to trust ourselves in ways we might never have imagined.

Starting a love affair with oneself might seem like an unconventional idea, but it's truly one of the most empowering journeys we can embark on. By looking in the mirror and seeing the very best in ourselves, not only do we embrace our own beauty and strength, but it also magnifies and brings out the best in us. It's like igniting a spark that lights up our world.

I encourage you to see and cherish the beauty within you. For when you do, you'll find that the universe will reflect the same love and admiration back to you.

Action Steps:

Become a LOVE Detective!

Throughout this week I invite you notice things to love about:

    1. Your Body – noticing the strength, beauty, health

    2. Your Actions – notice when you are kind, in the words you select and your efforts to be a good person

    3. Your Traits – your intelligence, your intuition, your creativity, your presence

You’re going to shift perception – on yourself.  You’re going to notice everything that is right, beautiful and magnificent about yourself.

A Miracle is defined as: “Miracles rearrange perception, and place the levels of perception in true perspective. This heals at all levels. Change of belief and changes of perception- from false ones to a correct one.”

·        A Course of Miracles